ReeTalk: Spice It Up with GraphQL

Mathias Persson -

We are excited to announce the successful start of our ReeTalk series! So what is ReeTalk? ReeTalk is an educational and social event organized by Reeinvent to expand our horizons with new technologies. It also offers the opportunity to come together for a slice of pizza or a drink or both, but most likely multiples of each. Get the wordplay here with ReeTalk? ReeInvent, ReeTalk… just pure genius wordplay!


This time around, our colleague Amer Keco gave us an overview of GraphQL, its pros and cons, and how it could be incorporated in various projects. To showcase its simplicity, Amer presented this with a hands-on live coding demonstration of a simple chat application. The presentation can be downloaded here.


Primarily attended by our colleagues at Reeinvent and System Verification, both in our office in Sarajevo and from Sweden via video link, we also hope to expand this event in the future for wider audiences. However, having used a two-byte unsigned integer to count the attendees, we are currently capped to 65535 participants only, our own ReeBug. The last time somebody tried to squeeze in a 64-bit double into a 32-bit float, a rocket crashed, so we do not want to take the risk.


Herewith, we would like to thank all the participants even if you only came for the pizzas and drinks which, of course, is an integral part of this event. For those that did not attend in the office, well… you guessed it: ReeGrets!


To set the record straight, ReeTalk goes beyond the pizzas and drinks. ReeTalk’s hidden agenda is to trigger interest in new and cool technologies that we then can introduce to a project.

We call this to “spice up” a project. The idea behind this is to move outside the comfort zone of familiar technologies and expand our knowledge and always keep learning something new, something exciting. Stepping outside our own comfort zone is one of our core goals when it comes to growing as individuals and consequently as a company.


Once again, thank you for attending this event and big thanks to Amer in preparing this awesome presentation.



Your Reeinvent team :)