Long-Term Collaboration

Mathias Persson -

Three and a half years ago I left a huge global company to be part of the journey of building up Reeinvent. I remember I early on travelled to Sarajevo for the first time together with our first strategic client Ework Group, a client I’ve more or less worked full-time with since day one.


My fantastic colleagues showed them around in Sarajevo, they met the team at that time and we all enjoyed the Bosnian culture and it’s beautiful landscape.



This week, It was my pleasure to be the host and to have Arun Supasree and Jonas Holte visiting Sarajevo, meeting our DevOps, QA and development team. We’ve listened to future plans, demonstrated our achievements, sharing experiences and opinions and at the same time having a good time together.

Much has of course happened since the early days, but the way we discuss and work together wouldn’t be possible without our long-term collaboration and trust we established years ago. To work continuously together with our partners and clients is at the heart of our strategy as it makes the collaboration much more fruitful and dynamic. To spend time together, increasing trust and transparency and to really getting to know each other is as important as it's ever been. The number of partners involved in the collaboration with Ework Group is quite big and none of this wouldn't be possible without the great attitude, willingness to actually make a change with the best intention always directed to our client.

I’m proud of everything we’ve achieved together and I hope you had a blast, enjoying the Bosnian culture, cuisine and it's landscape.

Looking forward to many more years together!

